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    Friday, October 29, 1999
    Server Stuff - 9:21:05 PM EST - Saam
Well, the forum problem is still there- I have received over 150 emails the past 2 days from people who can't access the site. I thank you all. However, I still haven't figured out what the problem is, so for the time being, I changed the IP address of the forums to Tomorrow, if you still can't access the site via, please let me know.

Once again, I apologize for the major inconvenience, and I know that a lot of forum readers/posters have left, perhaps temporarily or maybe even permanently, but these are the risks one has to take in order to have something on their own 'property'. Thank you, and goodnight.

    Shock 2's presence in CGW's December issue - 7:30:21 PM EST - Dan
Here's some cool Shock 2 notes from the December issue of Computer Gaming World.

Shock 2 dominates the Reality Check blurb, having gained higher scores then any other game to have come out in the past month. Reality Check compares the scores given by seven different gaming publications. System Shock 2 is also number one on both Desslock's and Theirry Nguyen's playing lately list, and is number 2 on Robert Coffy's. Theirry Nguyen's editorial also contains a small blurb where Ken Levine talks about the lab monkeys in SS2.

   'Remember Tau Ceti V' - 7:19:44 PM EST - Dan
Omer Joel, aka G`len, has sent in a very unique and very cool bit of fan-art. It's a collage of all the character portraits in the game, with Xerxes in the center, entitled, 'Remember Tau Ceti V'. Thanks, G'len, for this cool image!

   System Shock 2 Review - Voodooextreme - 12:51:05 PM EST - Saam
The folks over at Voodooextreme have posted a review of everybody's favorite game, System Shock 2. They liked it so much, it got a very highly-acclaimed 97%! Here's a bit of the intro:

The original System Shock came out in 1994. Since it was released it has sold over 140,000 units worldwide. However, when it first came out it was considered a commercial failure. Sales were dismal for the first six months, even after most game reviewers had lauded it as one of the most innovative games ever created. Now, Looking Glass Studios and Irrational Games have teamed up to make the much-anticipated sequel. Unlike most sequels, System Shock 2 feels like a totally new game, fresh and innovative, while at the same time keeping to the same formula that made the original a classic. It challenges your gaming abilities, appeals to your senses (even taste), pushes the proverbial envelope, and kicks more ass than Catherine Zeta-Jones in a thong. Who says originality has gone the way of the dodo?

Be sure to check out the rest if you haven't already.

   Still Having Trouble w/Forums? - 12:43:40 PM EST - Saam
Hey everyone, if you are still having trouble accessing the discussion forums, please email me so I can get a general idea of how many people still can't access the site. Thank you!

   GameCenter sets up a Game Locater - 10:05:28 AM EST - James
GameCenter has set up a Shopping Center. Shock 2 is not only highly recommended - but you can enter your opinions as well, via the System Shock 2 page. Yet another opportunity to vote for Shock 2!

   GameCenter Recommends Shock 2 - 11:20:56 AM EST - James
GameCenter has a feature recommending various types of demos or games for people to download. And under the "Scary" section is - yup, you guessed it - System Shock 2. It's only a short blurb, beginning with "This sequel to the beloved System Shock is one of the most atmospheric games in years", providing a brief thumbnail of the situation in the game, and a link to the demo - but it's nice to see Shock 2 get more media praise. More praise = more sales = Shock 3. Oh yes. 8)

    TTLG's New Forums! - 1:25:23 PM EST - Saam
Thanks to our new server, we have now opened up our own set of discussion forums, located at While you can still browse all the old threads at our former discussion forum, it has been locked to prevent any further posting.

We need you, the readers, to help jump-start the new forums, so go and post now! Many thanks goes to the people at GameForum for allowing us to use their server for so many months! We thank you!

Update: I think I'm having DNS troubles again, so for those of you who can't access the forums via, use the ip address If anyone is familiar with the DNS server on an NT 4.0, please email me so you can help us out. Thanks. :)

   Travel on the West Coast rail line in the UK - 11:19:29 AM EST - James
Keep your eyes open when you go through Carlisle.

The train station there is named Citadel Station; and I got a grin out of the sign you pass as the train rolls in:

"Welcome to Citadel Station".

I dare any Shock 1 veteran to avoid reading that as "Welcome back to Citadel Station". 8)

    Shock 1 Recommended at - 10:45:50 AM EST - James
On, Martin Cirulis has some nice stuff to say about Shock 1 - and 2!

"Even all these years later, System Shock still tops our list as one of the truly great and most innovative computer games ever made. While at the time it was almost overlooked by the gaming public, now its smart scripting and plotting are being incorporated in other titles such as Half-Life. Luckily, Looking Glass has finally been able to make a sequel to the game and SS2 keeps most of the qualities of the original. If you want your adventures with nail-biting excitement, and your action to have an IQ that challenges your own, System Shock should be on your shelf -- even after all this time."

Unfortunately, the site does not tell you where you can buy Shock 1 (every other game but Shock 1, though. 8( )

    System Shock 2 Review - Vaultnetwork - 6:10:48 PM EST - Saam
The great Vaultnetwork has posted a review of System Shock 2. What makes this review different? Simple- it includes some commentary from Ken Levine, lead designer of Shock2. Here's a bit on the introduction:

It's probably impossible to review System Shock 2 without making reference to the its illustrious predecessor, so let's get that out of the way. Released by Looking Glass in 1994, System Shock was a ground-breaking first-person 3D title that deservedly gained tremendous critical acclaim. A moody blend of action, adventure, role-playing and horror elements, it made tremendous use of light, sound, level design and the unusual device of setting the game in a space station devoid of friendly life to create an unnerving feeling of isolation and even desperation unmatched by any earlier game, and seldom if ever since. System Shock effectively defined immersion at a time when that word was not yet in common use to describe computer games.

Be sure to read the rest if you are interested in purchasing System Shock 2, or in Ken's comments. Thanks to Andy for the heads up.

    SS2 Co-op Impressions - 12:41:12 PM EST - Saam
Evilavatar has posted an article sent in by a reader that gives his impressions of System Shock 2 Multiplayer (via Co-op). Here's a nibble:

Here's the part of the game that most people will be interested in, the multiplayer aspect. In order to gain access to co-op, a patch is required, only a small 4 meg download though. Once downloaded and applied, simply arrange a game with a friend and discuss who you'll be, go into the game and run as a host or client, and play away. As a host you are able to either start a new game or load a saved one.

It's a good read if you want to know what multiplayer looks/feels like. I haven't had the chance to play Shock2 multiplayer, but I will soon enough. :)

    Shock2 Designer's Notes - 12:37:57 PM EST - Saam
This is a bit late, but it's worth it anyway- Voodooextreme has posted the Designer Notes that was located in the System Shock 2 game manual. For those of you who haven't purchased the game yet, you can take a look to see what they (the developers) thought of the development process. Here's a bit:

The path to creating System Shock 2 was both a very long and very short. System Shock was the game that drew me to Looking Glass nearly four years ago. There was something so special about it. Sure, there was the traditional immersive world simulation, sure there was a cool storyline, sure there was the excellent physics. But what really sucked me in was SHODAN. In most games, you saw the villain in a few key cutscenes, and then you faced him or her at the end, dispatching the cad with a rocket launcher or two or a few well placed jumps on the head. But SHODAN was different. She taunted you, she threatened you, and sometimes, she even seemed to fear you.

Be sure to read the rest if you haven't yet!

    New Shock 2 Background by Ivan Ou - 2:27:15 PM EST - Dan
Ivan Ou has submitted another SHODAN Desktop Image to us. This one is the official background image, with some metagame interface added as a sort of 'frame'. A preview can be seen here. The image can be downloaded here.

   System Shock 2 Review - Sharkyextreme - 10:07:27 PM EST - Saam
Yes, I know this is a bit late in post since the review was posted in early October, but here it is- Sharkyextreme has posted a very positive review of System Shock 2, giving it a 9 out of 10. Here's a bit on resurrecting in the game:

At least it isn't in System Shock 2. Rather than having to reload a saved game each time you die, Looking Glass has included Quantum Bio-Reconstruction Machines in the game. These devices will take a quick genetic sample and then every time you die you will be resurrected at the last station you visited. Not only does this reduce the number of times you have to load a game (which isn't exactly quick in System Shock 2), but it makes things a little easier for you in an otherwise very hard game. Another point to Looking Glass for a great idea done well. And that isn't the only nice touch.

As always, be sure and read the rest if you haven't purchased the game yet. Cheers to Paul for the info.

    New System Shock 2 MP3's - 5:02:04 PM EST - Lytha
4 new MP3's for System Shock 2 are now available. They were mixed by Don. You can find and download them here.

    System Shock 2 Review - 93% - 9:26:18 PM EST - Saam
Futuregamer has posted a review of System Shock 2, giving it a very nice 93%. What's cool about this review is the way it was written- it looks like a play! Here's a bit:

RPG: Oh, I've had enough of your whining. Would you have been happier if I'd hacked into an enemy turret and then lured them towards a killing zone? Or just avoided him entirely by using an invisibility psionic power? Or went somewhere else, exploring for a continuing thread of the epic plot? Would you?
FPS: You finished?
RPG: Nope. But you can have a go now.

Be sure and check it out if you haven't purchased Shock2 yet. Thanks to Bremstrahlung for the news.

   Feedback Needed - 12:47:40 AM EST - Saam
Hey all, just a quick note -- if you see an IP address in the URL part of your web browser instead of, please let me know asap. I am trying to piece together a solution, but I need as much feedback as possible. Thanks!

    A SS2 Fan-Story by CFunk - 10:15:58 PM EST - Dan
A man who didn't identify himself, (at least it is most likely a man) sent me a System Shock 2 Fan-story without a name. I shall call him CFunk, since that is the name on his email address. He asked me to share the story with everyone, so this is what I am doing. If you have a moment, come read this SS2 Fanwork.

    Shock 2 Strategy Guide at Gamers EXtreme - 8:57:19 PM EST - Dan
Gamers EXtreme has completed their System Shock 2 strategy guide! This, in addition to their walkthrough, should make this be a very valuable site for anyone needing help on SS2. Since I've yet to glance at the material, I can't comment on the quality, but if you're desperate enough to need hints, then beggars can't be chooses, eh?.. :)

This is what they have to say for themselves:

GX System Shock 2 is now complete! Head over to find guides to the classes, skills, items, and more. Don't forget the complete level walkthroughs as well - if you're stuck somehwere along the way, they're a great help. And, of course, you can find the cheats there as well, if you are so inclined.
Thanks for letting us know, Jody Robinson, and for serving the SS2 community, Gamers EXtreme!

    Update to Pasi Rehtonen's System Failure Desktop - 8:48:35 PM EST - Dan
Pasi Rehtonen's System Failure desktop background has been updated. It now contains two variant versions, in addition to the original.

System Failure is based on Digital Nightfall's (my) System Shock 2 Alpha desktop background, which is in turn based on the main menu for SS2 back when it was in alpha.

   Voice Communications in SS2 Multiplayer - 2:26:31 PM EST - Dan
This is not an advertisment. It's advice! This is Axel Haake with an alternative to Roger Wilco (tm):
Hi there at,

Half a year ago I stumbled over a free voice-over-net-application. It was first intentioned as an in-simflight communication tool, so I used it extensively with Falcon 4.0. But I actually found out that it is also able to deal with SS2 in multiplayer mode.I got it up running on the following two-computer-network:

Pentium 200 MMX / Pentium II 350
2 x full duplex soundcard / 2 x headset
2 x NE2000 compatible card / TCP/IP protocol
patched SS2 version

So because it's free I think it might be interesting to all the other SS2 fans and worth to be listed on your page. Source of this application is the Flight Comms Homepage at

Thanks, Axel!

   ActiveDesktop Background From Cruinh - 12:50:13 PM EST - Dan
Another very late release is this desktop background, from Cruinh. He put together an animated background image, for use with ActiveDesktop. It's the rotating Van Braun logo, seen every time you load a game. Try it out!

   dabblerBLUE's Shock-Tunes Mix - Midwife - 12:43:40 PM EST - Dan
Complications with the server move kept us from releasing this one long ago. It's a cool new Shock 2 music mix from dabblerBLUE, featuring the first engineering theme, with some midwife voice-overs. Check it out, it's pretty cool!

   We're Back: A Report on the Changes - 12:35:57 PM EST - Dan
As you can see from the site's URL, things are not yet totally operational, but it's far enough along to get things running once more. I hope everyone approciates the little facelift I gave the site. I certanly like the way it looks much better. As you will note from the main menu, located under our SHODAN's chin, there has been a few changes.

The Community section is a hub from which our visitors can access the forums, chatroom, links, press information, etc. All of the areas in this section are not yet operational. The strategy page has yet to be constructed, but it's there for when it gets built, which we will need a bit of help doing. At the very bottom is Shock-ED, which will soon point to a petition for the release of Dromed (The Dark Engine Level Editor) for System Shock 2, and then an area of the site specifically dedicated to Shock 2 level design.

Things may be rather buggy for a while, so if you see a problem that looks fixable, go ahead and let us know.